Sunday, 24 February 2013

Western Railway - Jagjivan Ram Hospital Job Notification 2013

Jagjivan Ram Hospital Job Notification in Western Railway Recruitment 2012 2013
Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Mumbai Central is the Zonal hospital of Western Railway. Applications are invited from the candidates who are interested to work in Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Mumbai.

Subject :  Impanelment for cardiologist / electro-physiologist and CVTS surgery team at Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Mumbai central.

Eligibility Criteria for the Posts :
 The basic qualifications required for these super-specialists / CVTS team members are as below:
1. Cardiologist: DM cardiology / DNB Cardiology or equivalent with at least ten years experience in coronary interventions and rotablator use.

2. Electro physiologist: DM cardiology / DNB Cardiology or equivalent with traning in electrophysiology and radiofrequency ablation with at least ten years experience in electrophysiology interventions.

3. CVTS team: Consisting of five members
a. CVTS Surgeon: MCh CVTS / CTVS surgery / DNB CVTS / CTVS surgery or equivalent with ten years experience or more after Super specialist qualification.
b. Cardiac Anaesthetist: Diploma / MD / DNB Anaesthesia or equivalent, with training in cardiac anaesthesia and at least five years experience after completing the training in Cardiac anaesthesia.
c. Assistant Surgeon: MS / DNB General Surgery or equivalent or MBBS with one year experience or more in CVTS department
d. Perfusionist: Diploma in perfusion or equivalent with two years experience or more after completion of Diploma.
e. Cardiac OT Nurse: Diploma in General Nursing / BSc Nursing or equivalent with minimum experience of four years or more Cardiac Operation Theatre after completion of Diploma / BSc.

How to Apply :

Interested  candidates of super-specialists of the above mentioned fields are requested to apply as per following format to : - Medical Director, Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Behind Maratha Mandir, Mumbai Central, Mumbai 400008.
Last Date :
The filled forms and enclosures should reach the above office on or before ______ February 2013 15:00 hrs.
See More Details of this Notification, Click the Below Link.

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